Sound Plugin

Sound Setup

In order to enable sound in a game, the first thing to do is include the frigame.sound.js file.

Changed in version 2.2.0: The frigame.sound.js plugin depends on frigame.domready.js, so make sure to include it first.

As not every browser supports sound, and not every browser supports the same audio formats, there are a few considerations to make:

  • In order to have the best browser support, it is better to encode the same audio file twice, resulting in one mp3 file and one ogg/vorbis file

  • For old browsers that do not support the HTML5 Audio element, a flash fallback can be provided through soundManager2

As pointed out earlier, friGame supports the soundManager2 module, but it is entirely optional. In order to use it, include the soundmanager2.js file, and place the soundmanager2.swf file (Flash 8 version, no debug) in the same directory as the HTML file.

The audio formats supported by friGame are the following:

  • Uncompressed PCM/WAVE (default file extension .wav) (Not recommended as it results in huge files)

  • Ogg/Vorbis (default file extension .ogg or .oga)

  • MP3 (default file extension .mp3) (Either natively with the HTML5 Audio element, or through soundManager2)

Changed in version 2.2.0: New formats supported:

  • Ogg/Opus (default file extension .opus)

  • mp4/aac (default file extension .aac or .m4a or .mp4)

Sound API

friGame.resourceManager.addSound(name, soundURLs[, options])

As with animations and gradients, sounds are created through the resourceManager.

Once all the resources have been loaded, the newly created sound can be accessed with:


Changed in version 2.1.0: Added the streaming option

  • name (string) – The name of the sound

  • soundURLs – The URL of the sound files

  • options – An object literal containing the sound options


The resource manager object

The soundURLs parameter can have 3 forms:

  1. A string containing the URL of the sound file

  2. An array containing the URLs of the sound file in different formats

  3. An object literal having as key the sound file format and as value the sound file


For the first 2 forms of the soundURLs parameter the file type is determined by its extension. If the file extension is different from the default, the third form of the soundURLs parameter must be used.

Options may include:

  • volume

    the sound volume in folating point from 0 (quiet) to 1 (loud – default)

  • muted

    true if the sound is muted else false (default)

  • streaming

    true to prefer using HTML5 Audio over the Web Audio API, else false (default)


friGame.resourceManager.addSound('mySound', './mySound.mp3', {
    volume: 0.8,
    muted: false

friGame.resourceManager.addSound('mySound', ['./mySound.ogg', './mySound.mp3']);

friGame.resourceManager.addSound('mySound', {
    ogg: './mySound.different_extension',
    mp3: './mySound.another_extension'

This function changes the volume of the sound object.

  • options – An object literal


The sound object

Options may include:

  • volume

    the sound volume in folating point from 0 (quiet) to 1 (loud – default)

  • muted

    true if the sound is muted else false (default)


    volume: 0.5

This function plays the sound.

  • options – An object literal


The sound object

Options may include:

  • volume

    the sound volume in folating point from 0 (quiet) to 1 (loud)

  • muted

    true if the sound is muted else false

  • loop

    true if the sound is played in contiuous loop else false to play the sound only once (default)

  • callback

    A callback that will be called at the end of the sound


The loop and callback options are mutually exclusive. If the loop option is true the callback will never be called.

The callback function will be called with the following parameters:

  • this

    The sound object

    callback: function () {;

This function stops the sound if it is currently playing.


The sound object



This function pauses the sound if it is currently playing.


The sound object



This function resumes the sound if it is currently paused.


The sound object


sound.tween(properties[, options])

This function is enabled only if the frigame.fx.js plugin has been included before including the frigame.sound.js plugin.

For details on this function see sprite.tween().

The only possible value for the properties parameter is: volume.


    volume: 0.2
}, {
    duration: 'slow'